Cupping Massage

(Hijama Therapy)

Cupping (Hijama Therapy) Massage London

Is Cupping Therapy Right For Me?

You could benefit from cupping therapy if:
- You want extra support with detoxification. Clinical research shows that cupping therapy
helps to remove toxic metals, such as aluminium and cadmium; oxidative stress; and other
metabolic and environmental toxins.
- You want to boost your circulation to improve overall health, including energy and recovery
after workouts.
- You have lower back pain, or another pain condition linked to stiffness and stagnation.
- You have pain associated with restricted nerves, such as carpal tunnel syndrome.

What is Cupping Massage (Hijama Therapy)?

Many athletes and other celebrities are now seen with the circular reddish-brown marks left by
cupping therapy, but what is it? Cupping therapy, or hijama, is a traditional Chinese treatment that
uses glass or plastic cups to create a vacuum-sealed area of lowered air pressure. This draws blood
and vital energy into the vacuum, which boosts their circulation, clears blockages, and enhances detoxification.

How Is Cupping Massage Performed?

In all types of cupping, your therapist places one or several upside-down cups over your affected
muscles or an energetic meridian line. A vacuum effect is produced to raise your skin into the cup
and expand the blood vessels. Each cup is held for up to three to five minutes, depending on the skin
reaction and your individual needs.

There are three main types of cupping therapy, which is chosen by your needs and preferences:

– Dry cupping, often the simplest to perform. Your therapist may apply firm plastic cups by drawing air out with a pump, a method that allows for adjustment if the vacuum is too strong.
– Wet cupping, which is sometimes the only type known as Hijama therapy. Here, your therapist pierces your skin to draw a small amount of blood into the cup. Research suggests that this method assists in heavy metal detoxification.
– Fire cupping, which adds extra heat to stimulate blood and energy circulation. A flammable substance, usually paper, medicinal herbs, or alcohol, is lit and placed inside the cup.

Cupping therapy can also include sliding methods, where a weaker vacuum pressure allows your
therapist to slide the cup along a muscle or meridian line. Another method, traditionally
recommended for children and young women, involves removing the cup after a few seconds at a
time and then repositioning it.

Does Cupping Massage Hurt?

Cupping is a painless therapy, although you may feel a pulling sensation. Its characteristic bruising
may last a week or two, so plan your treatments around any events where you want to show off
your appearance.

Bassage Body & Mind offers cupping therapy techniques that work with you and your unique needs.
If you would like to try cupping but still have other questions or concerns, contact us before booking
an appointment.

Cupping (Hijama Therapy) Massage London, Cupping, Hijama Therapy, Massage

What is Cupping Massage (Hijama Therapy)?

Many athletes and other celebrities are now seen with the circular reddish-brown marks left by
cupping therapy, but what is it? Cupping therapy, or hijama, is a traditional Chinese treatment that
uses glass or plastic cups to create a vacuum-sealed area of lowered air pressure. This draws blood
and vital energy into the vacuum, which boosts their circulation, clears blockages, and enhances detoxification.

How Is Cupping Massage Performed?

In all types of cupping, your therapist places one or several upside-down cups over your affected
muscles or an energetic meridian line. A vacuum effect is produced to raise your skin into the cup
and expand the blood vessels. Each cup is held for up to three to five minutes, depending on the skin
reaction and your individual needs.


There are three main types of cupping therapy, which is chosen by your needs and preferences:

– Dry cupping, often the simplest to perform. Your therapist may apply firm plastic cups by drawing air out with a pump, a method that allows for adjustment if the vacuum is too strong.
– Wet cupping, which is sometimes the only type known as Hijama therapy. Here, your therapist pierces your skin to draw a small amount of blood into the cup. Research suggests that this method assists in heavy metal detoxification.
– Fire cupping, which adds extra heat to stimulate blood and energy circulation. A flammable substance, usually paper, medicinal herbs, or alcohol, is lit and placed inside the cup.

Cupping therapy can also include sliding methods, where a weaker vacuum pressure allows your
therapist to slide the cup along a muscle or meridian line. Another method, traditionally
recommended for children and young women, involves removing the cup after a few seconds at a
time and then repositioning it.

Does Cupping Massage Hurt?

Cupping is a painless therapy, although you may feel a pulling sensation. Its characteristic bruising
may last a week or two, so plan your treatments around any events where you want to show off
your appearance.

Bassage Body & Mind offers cupping therapy techniques that work with you and your unique needs.
If you would like to try cupping but still have other questions or concerns, contact us before booking
an appointment.

Cupping (Hijama Therapy) Massage London, Cupping, Hijama Therapy, Massage
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