Head & Neck Massage

head and neck massage London

Reasons why you may want a head and neck massage include:

Tension headaches from tight head and neck muscles.
Relief of muscle aches from incorrect movement or prolonged stillness, such as text neck or unsafe lifting techniques.
Improved muscle function when chewing.
Reduced stress and anxiety.
Helping you retrain head and neck muscles when establishing healthy movement habits
Specific conditions such as temporomandibular (TMJ) dysfunction, where tight muscles impair the movement of the jaw joint. While massage for TMJ dysfunction can effectively reduce pain and inflammation, it takes at least eight treatments to see this effect.
Bassage Body & Mind provides relaxing head and neck massage services, either in-clinic or in the privacy of your home or hotel room. Contact us here if you would like to book a treatment or if you have further questions.

We carry a great deal of tension in our necks. Stress, working at a computer, reading a book, cooking, and incorrect technique when exercising are now joined by “text neck”, a condition where spending too much time on our phones leads to neck pain. This tension also makes it more difficult to learn healthy movement patterns and break free from too much texting or tension during movement.

If any of these sounds like you, why not try a head and neck massage from Bassage Body & Mind?

What to Expect from Head and Neck Massage

A head and neck massage is a convenient way to relax when you’re stressed out. You don’t have to undress and drape in a towel or sheet, although you may need to remove some jewellery. If you find it more relaxing, you can ask for draping over your clothes.

Massaging this area is deeply relaxing, thanks to the number of nerve endings in your head and neck. Through increasing levels of brain chemicals associated with relaxation, happiness, and balanced immune function while reducing stress hormones, you can expect a much better night’s sleep afterwards. In addition, your cranial nerves, some of which control head and neck muscles, are readily stimulated through head massage as they are close to your skin.

Head and Neck Massage Benefits

Enjoying a head and neck massage benefits you in more ways than giving you a break from everyday responsibilities. Your therapist can skillfully find areas of pain and poor muscle function known as myofascial trigger points. These are spots where the muscle remains in a state of contraction, which impairs function and causes pain. Releasing them also removes the burden from other muscles nearby that must take over their functioning.

head and neck massage

We carry a great deal of tension in our necks. Stress, working at a computer, reading a book, cooking, and incorrect technique when exercising are now joined by “text neck”, a condition where spending too much time on our phones leads to neck pain. This tension also makes it more difficult to learn healthy movement patterns and break free from too much texting or tension during movement.

If any of these sounds like you, why not try a head and neck massage from Bassage Body & Mind?

What to Expect from Head and Neck Massage

A head and neck massage is a convenient way to relax when you’re stressed out. You don’t have to undress and drape in a towel or sheet, although you may need to remove some jewellery. If you find it more relaxing, you can ask for draping over your clothes.

Massaging this area is deeply relaxing, thanks to the number of nerve endings in your head and neck. Through increasing levels of brain chemicals associated with relaxation, happiness, and balanced immune function while reducing stress hormones, you can expect a much better night’s sleep afterwards. In addition, your cranial nerves, some of which control head and neck muscles, are readily stimulated through head massage as they are close to your skin.

Head and Neck Massage Benefits

Enjoying a head and neck massage benefits you in more ways than giving you a break from everyday responsibilities. Your therapist can skillfully find areas of pain and poor muscle function known as myofascial trigger points. These are spots where the muscle remains in a state of contraction, which impairs function and causes pain. Releasing them also removes the burden from other muscles nearby that must take over its functioning.

Reasons why you may want a head and neck massage include:

– Tension headaches from tight head and neck muscles
– Relief of muscle aches from incorrect movement or prolonged stillness, such as text neck or unsafe lifting techniques
– Improved muscle function when chewing
– Reduced stress and anxiety
– Helping you retrain head and neck muscles when establishing healthy movement habits
– Specific conditions such as temporomandibular (TMJ) dysfunction, where tight muscles impair the movement of the jaw joint. While massage for TMJ dysfunction can effectively reduce pain and inflammation, it takes at least eight treatments to see this effect.

Bassage Body & Mind provides relaxing head and neck massage services, either in-clinic or in the privacy of your home or hotel room. Contact us here if you would like to book a treatment or if you have further questions.

head and neck massage
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