Virtues of Deep Breathing

Breathing is a fundamentally natural act that we do without thinking about it. However, breathing well is not necessarily self-evident. With the stress of life, we often breathe in an incomplete and tense manner, only through the chest. In this case, the air enters from the top of the lungs and comes out quickly. The oxygen supply is then insufficient, and expiration is difficult.

However, good breathing (conscious and deep) allows you to focus on yourself, develop your attention to your body, and better understand your emotions. The good news is that practising full breathing – abdominal breathing – does not require long and tedious training.

To practice full breathing, you have to breathe in, starting by swelling your belly and then your chest, without your upper body moving. It is possible to control this action by placing your hand flat on the stomach. Then it is a matter of exhaling deeply; the expiration must be longer than the inspiration to bring calm and return to calm. This exercise can be done anywhere, in most everyday situations.

The benefits of breathing

For our body

Taking the time to breathe better helps relax the muscles (especially those of the neck and shoulders), allows better oxygenation of the blood and organs, lowers blood pressure and strengthens our immune defences.

For our spirit

Breathing better means taking the time to relax and reduce our stress by sending a message to our body such as “everything is fine”, “there is no imminent danger”. Breathing is also a great way to regulate our emotions: how often has a deep breath allowed you to decrease your worry?

There are several types of deep breaths; however, remember not to strain the abdominal muscles in the context of massage. Instead, focus on the rhythm of inspiration-expiration. Have a relaxed, gentle, full breath like the movement and the rhythm of the back and forth of the sea waves. This rhythm, which becomes automatic, facilitates muscular and mental relaxation. In addition, this allows for better blood and energy circulation. In this way, you will be better prepared to receive the treatment and benefit from it fully.

 The importance of breathing during the massage.

Well-being, relaxation, and relief of muscle pain and tension are the main reasons that motivate people to use massage therapy. So how can you optimize your investment and get the most out of your massage? One of the easiest ways is to prepare well and learn to breathe.

You’ve heard that you shouldn’t do anything when you get a massage. That you have to relax and let yourself be lulled by the movements that sculpt your body. It is indeed true. However, to get there optimally, you need to let go. And breathing is a tool that allows you to get there fairly quickly if you master the right techniques.

Why does breathing make a difference?

Breathing during massage is very important because it allows gas exchange in the system. That is to say, the introduction of oxygen into the body and the elimination of carbon dioxide. So, breathing well helps oxygenate the body appropriately to function properly. This improves blood circulation, relaxes the muscles, and calms the mind.

The best way to do this is deep breathing because it allows a large supply of oxygen during inspiration and eliminates a large volume of carbon dioxide during expiration.

Letting go to receive the message better

So, you will benefit more by breathing deeply a few minutes before, in the beginning, and possibly during certain manoeuvres of the massage. You will help your body and mind receive and help the therapist work more deeply. You will, therefore, be doubly successful.

Before concluding, a little reminder to my fellow therapists, remember to breathe deeply too. It will relax you and allow you to keep your energy level high. Suggest that your clients breathe deeply and breathe with them. You will tune in more quickly with them and speed up their relaxation and therapeutic work.

 Integrate deep breathing practice in your daily life

At one or more times of the day, we can start practising deep breathing, even if for a few minutes per day.

The ideal will be to gradually integrate this form of highly beneficial breathing into our daily lives and practice it in conscience. So often as possible, in the majority of the situations of our life until it ends up imposing itself and becoming an incomparable source of well-being and health.

In short, it costs you nothing to try all of these tips so that you can experience the benefits of deep breathing for yourself. Also, you can share this with others and bring your part to contribute to the happiness of humanity.

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