Kobido Japanese Massage

Kobido Japanese Massage – Facial Non-Surgical Facelift

Kobido massage is often referred to as a non-surgical facelift. This massage is a manual, very intensive treatment that works on the deep structures of the skin. Thanks to it, the skin becomes stronger, and because we act deeper on it, with the active ingredients contained in cosmetics used for massage.

Kobido is a special form of massage. It is a ritual that follows certain rules. It comes from the tradition of Chinese medicine. Like traditional massage, it is performed on the face. However, it is much deeper. So how should it be done correctly?

What is Kobido massage?

Kobido massage is a deep massage performed on the skin surface. The slow movements are designed to relax and unwind the massaged person, while the fast, decisive, deep movements stimulate the skin and produce the ingredients necessary to achieve the lifting effect. After the massage, we feel relaxed, release toxins from the skin, and stimulate nerves, skin and muscles. 

It is a natural alternative to aesthetic medicine and various interventional treatments such as hyaluronic acid injections or botox.

The massage is quite complex and intense. It is an advanced massage method that includes many complex manual techniques. The massage reaches deep into the skin and affects the muscles. Massage is a combination of many traditional methods and techniques of hand movements, and their main feature is speed. However, it is worth mentioning that Kobido massage should not cause pain, although quick hand movements may cause sensations on the verge of pain. Kobido massage aims to determine the skin’s condition and work on acupressure points. This is to bring balance to the skin and facial muscles.

What does a sample Kobido massage session look like?

Kobido massage consists of several stages. First, make-up removal is performed, then a deeply relaxing neck massage, lymphatic drainage and a facelift. Finally, the massage ends with acupressure.

A Kobido massage session usually starts with gentle movements to relax and unwind the client. In addition, the tension that may interfere with the further stages of the massage disappears. Then, at the right moment, determined by the masseur, he goes to the neck massage. In this way, blood circulation in the skin of the face is improved, and the skin begins to regenerate.

Only now can you start the most typical Kobido massage techniques. They are much more intense and include pinching, gentle strokes, deep skin smoothing or kneading. Each of these techniques must be performed by the masseur with full commitment. In this way, any muscle tension that changes its function is eliminated.

Massage performed with lifting techniques is performed mainly on the face, but they can also be used, for example, on the neck or décolleté.

What are the benefits of Kobido Japanese Massage?

Kobido massage is commonly referred to as a non-surgical facelift. Regularly performed, it can lead to a very natural rejuvenation effect. Thanks to Kobido massages, it is possible to:

  • reducing muscle tension and, at the same time, reducing mimic wrinkles
  • reducing the signs of skin ageing
  • regaining a younger appearance of the face as a result of deep muscle massage
  • stimulation of cellular metabolism, thanks to which regeneration is much faster

What are the indications for Kobido Japanese Massage?

Kobido massage is an offer for people who care about their youthful appearance and, at the same time, are not convinced to use invasive cosmetic treatments. The indication for using Kobido massages is:

  • flabby skin that needs firming, nourishment and a lifting effect
  • elimination of muscle tensions in the area of ​​the head, neck and nape
  • stress elimination – massage is a great opportunity to rest and relax

What are the contraindications for Kobido massage?

  • temperature
  • skin inflammation
  • wounds or abrasions
  • untreated hypertension

In addition, people who have used other cosmetic procedures should remember to keep a certain distance before performing the Kobido massage. For example, after botox treatment, you should wait two weeks and lift threads for up to six months.

What effects can be expected from the Kobido massage?

The effects of Kobido massage are visible quite quickly if subsequent sessions are performed regularly. The change can be seen after the first massage, but the change is short-lived and passes quickly. In this case, you can expect:

  • improving the contour of the face
  • lifting the cheeks
  • levelling drooping cheeks
  • smoothing out wrinkles 
  • reduce swelling
  • levelling bags under the eyes
  • lifting drooping eyelids After the Kobido massage you will get a natural facelift result.
    You can also choose to have a massage with a mask and peeling for the deeper feeling of relaxation.
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